Body Cleanser: What Are The Best Options

Body Cleanser: What Are The Best Options

There’s a lot of things you need to get done in the shower. You have to wash your face, hair, and your body. This is probably basic hygiene for most people and most likely has been part of their daily routine for as long as they can remember. But have you ever questioned the methods that you use to get your body clean?

There are a ton of cleansing methods out there, but how do you find the best one for your skin and your routine? Well, we’ve done some digging to clue you in on what to look for in a body cleanser. 

Why Do We Use Body Cleanser

We’re sure it’s fairly obvious why you need to clean your body regularly, but there are several reasons behind it. Bodies can harbor sweat, dirt, and oils all over our skin, making it feel gross. Bacteria can live in sweat and dirt on our bodies, which can leave a foul odor behind. Leaving bacteria on the skin can cause problems like rashes or acne. 

The chemistry of body cleansers usually contains surfactants. This is the part of the formula that cleans your skin by dissolving the dirt and washing it away. Surfactants are made up of lipophilic and hydrophilic parts. The first is fat-soluble, and the second is water-soluble. The combination of these two parts is key for the removal of dirt from your skin. 

So what kinds of options can remove dirt and bacteria from our skin? 

Different Types

Some types of cleansers have been around for centuries, while others are more of a modern invention. Every kind of cleanser offers different benefits and disadvantages. These are some of the most popular types of cleansers.

Bar Soap

Bars of soap is one of the earliest types of cleansers for the body. People used to make bar soap out of animal fat and tree ash. Nowadays, it is made from much better and cleaner ingredients to wash your body with. 

Bar soap offers an easy method for application. You use it until it’s gone, and then you buy a new one. You won’t have to squeeze any type of bottle to get the product to come out.

It can also be useful for traveling or small showering spaces. Bar soap doesn’t take up a lot of room, and you can always take a bar of soap in your toiletry bag for vacation. 

The downside of bar soap is that it’s slippery to handle, which can make it difficult to wash yourself with. We all know the struggle of losing our grip on the soap in the shower and having to pick it up off the floor. Another disadvantage to bar soap is that you have to put it in a container of some kind to take it with you. Leaving it uncovered will create a mess in your bag. 

Body Wash

Body wash is another way to get your body clean in the shower. It’s similar to bar soap, except there are a few key differences. Body wash requires a tool to apply it with. This could be a loofah, a washcloth, or your hands. Some people prefer to use something that can exfoliate while it lathers on your skin. 

Bar soap is sometimes more abrasive than body wash, so body wash is a better option for sensitive skin. And if you use one of Spongellé’s body wash infused sponges, this eliminates your need to find a tool for applying it. These sponges are a great exfoliator and have an antibacterial agent in them, which prevents bacteria from growing on the surface of the sponge. 

Shower Foam

Shower foam is similar to body wash, except it comes pre-lathered. You don’t have to get the formula wet to get a good lather going on your skin. Shower foams are good for getting a deeper clean and for moisturizing your skin in the shower. A little bit of foam goes a long way most times so that you can get a lot out of just one bottle.  

One of the downsides of shower foam or body wash is that you might waste more of it when you use it. Getting the right amount to come out of the bottle onto your loofah may be difficult and could result in too much product being dispensed. 

Things To Consider

Before you decide what the best option for you is, you should think about several factors. This includes your skin type and the ingredients of the product that you decide on. Both of these things can greatly impact your shower experience. Let’s talk about skin type. 

Skin Types

Everyone has different skin. But different skin means different skin needs. When you pick a body cleanser, you should look for one that is going to give you the right amount of moisture. The most common skin types are normal, dry, oily, and sensitive. 

If you aren’t sure which one you have, you can test it out by trying a few different products and see how they react with your skin. A lot of products offer smaller sample sizes of their body wash or soap so that you can try it without fully committing. 

If you are someone with normal skin, you should use a product that can remove excess oils but also hydrate your skin. Soap is usually better at removing oils from your skin than body wash is. 

People with sensitive skin should make sure that they avoid products with lots of artificial coloring or fragrances. This could cause an allergic reaction for some people. Buy a body cleanser and then do a patch test on your skin before using it on your entire body. 

If you have dry skin, then using bar soap might not be moisturizing enough for you. Body washes could help restore the natural barrier of your skin and replenishing the moisture of the outer layer. 

Ingredients Matter

Besides skin type, the other most important factor for choosing a body cleanser are the ingredients. This matters because certain ingredients can be more beneficial or harmful for your skin than others. 

Up to 60% of what we put on our skin gets absorbed into it. So the products that we use on the outside can affect us on the inside too. Here are some ingredients to avoid.

  • Phthalates are used to increase the softness of something. It’s a group of chemicals often used in moisturizers and deodorants. 
  • Parabens are added to products to increase their shelf life. They are found in makeup, shampoos, and cleansers. 
  • Sodium lauryl sulfates are a kind of surfactant. They are known to irritate certain parts of your body and, when combined with other chemicals, can form carcinogens. 
  • Triclosan is an extremely powerful antibacterial. This chemical can disrupt endocrine functions and is often found in soaps and toothpaste. 

On the other hand, here are some ingredients that you should look for.

  • Glycerine is a plant-based cleanser. It can lock in moisture for your skin without stripping your body of all its natural oils. 
  • Products that contain essential oils to make them smell nice. This includes lavender, lemon, cedarwood, or others. 
  • Look for a moisturizing agent like almond or coconut oil to help make your skin smooth.  

Spongellé uses clean ingredients in the sponges and body buffers we make. They are paraben-free and cruelty-free. Our sponges contain natural ingredients like edelweiss, vetiver, and yuzu. Our sponges are designed to cleanse, exfoliate, massage, and nourish all at once. 

Fragrance Or Not

A lot of people like their body cleanser to smell nice. This can have a last effect on your skin and make your body smell fresh and clean. Although it is not a necessary part of getting your skin clean, it is a preference for many people. Companies often sell their products in a large variety of scents, and some might even have options for how strong you want the aroma to be. 

At Spongellé, we offer a free fragrance quiz to find the best scent for you. You can choose from fresh, fruity, floral, or warm scents. We have something for everyone, and based on your answers, we can recommend the product that we think you’ll like best. 

Consider Your Options

Whatever type of body cleanser that you decide to use should depend on your needs and skincare goals. If you require moisture and exfoliation, you should consider body wash. If you are more focused on removing the dirt and oil from your skin, perhaps you need bar soap. 

No matter what type of skin you have, to get the most out of your shower, you should use warm water during your shower.  Extremely hot water can dry out your skin. You should also try to keep the length of your shower to a minimum to try to retain as much moisture as possible. 


There are many benefits to soap, foam, and body wash. At the end of the day, they all have the same job. The main thing to remember is to focus on what your skin needs and what the ingredients say. The decision ultimately is up to you, so if you are worried about your decision, don’t be. Remember that if you don’t like one, you can always switch to something else. 




