Dry Hands: Why Are My Hands So Dry?

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In most cases, environmental conditions are to blame. For example, most people don’t experience skin dryness in the summer when the weather is more humid. In the springtime, there isn’t much skin dryness either. However, it isn’t always the weather that affects the skin. It can be other issues, like chemical exposures, skin conditions, medical issues, allergic reactions, and other similar issues. If your hands are constantly dry, there are a few reasons why this might be happening, which we will discuss in this article. 


In the past year, people have been washing their hands like crazy. While this is one of the best ways to control the spread of sickness and germs, it does, unfortunately, take a toll on your skin. The top layer of your skin is sensitive and delicate. Even if you try to be gentle, the continual use of soap on the hands combined with rubbing them on a cloth or paper towel starts to wear down the skin, resulting in skin that is irritated, dry, and flaky. 


  1. 用溫水洗手。任何極端溫度(熱或冷)都會使皮膚更乾燥。

  2. 拍干雙手;切勿揉搓它們。即使您使用的是蓬鬆柔軟的毛巾,揉搓皮膚也太粗糙,會導致乾燥和刺激。如果你在某個地方有一個手的空氣乾燥器,你可以使用它,但請記住,它是吹熱空氣,這可能是乾燥的。





Unfortunately, another reason why your skin might be dry is because of an underlying skin condition such as eczema. This condition is a blanket term for inflammatory skin conditions and dermatitis. 




For hands that are being washed excessively, we have just the product for you. Our Hand Defense sponge will help you cleanse, gently exfoliate, and moisturize all at the same time. Plus, the sponge works to give you a deeper cleanse compared to just using soap alone. It helps you get to those hard to reach places like your cuticles and underneath your nails, which can easily trap germs if not washed properly. It’s also infused with an antibacterial agent to help fend off germs. 


Another product you need is a good hand cream that will help to lock in moisture and prevent dry skin altogether. Every single time you wash your hands, you should be following up with a decent-sized squeeze of hand cream. There is really no way to get around the constant hand washing right now, and using a high-quality hand cream is your best bet to prevent cracked and red skin. Our cream is infused with hyaluronic acid, shea butter, and macadamia seed oil. 



你需要兩樣東西來保持身體水分:一個好的去角質劑和一個偉大的身體化妝水。我們推薦我們 的身體化妝水 ,因為它含有超保濕成分,如乳木果油,摩洛哥堅果油,鱷梨油和維生素E。這些成分可鎖住水分,全天保持皮膚光滑。您可以在早上,睡覺前以及任何時候需要額外的水分時使用它。

In order to make your body lotion even more effective, use a body buffer in the shower right before you apply your lotion. Our buffers work to cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize the skin. The sponge works to gently remove dead and dry skin, and the other ingredients help to cleanse and nourish it. When you get out of the shower and dry off, immediately apply your body lotion to keep your skin smooth and healthy. 

No matter the time of year, our feet are pretty much always dry and cracked if they aren’t regularly taken care of. The skin on the bottom of our feet is just naturally rough and needs to be exfoliated weekly (if not daily). The best way to take care of your feet is by using our pedi buffers. These are specially designed to deal with rough and tough skin. The exfoliating buffer removes dead skin, revealing smooth and soft skin underneath. 


The winter weather and excessive hand washing are the two biggest culprits for dry skin. It doesn’t matter if you have a strong skin barrier or a weak skin barrier. Extreme temperatures and scrubbing the skin daily will impact anyone’s skin, regardless of barrier strength. If your skin is reacting to the weather and is irritated from all the hand washing, don’t worry; you aren’t alone. Thankfully, there are a few products, tips, and tricks you can use and follow in order to soothe the skin and keep it hydrated. 






