5 Ideas To Make Bathtime Fun

5 Ideas To Make Bathtime Fun

Bathtime is an essential part of a child's daily routine. Not only does it keep them clean and promote good hygiene, but it's also a relaxing activity that helps them unwind and get ready for bed. However, as important as bathtime is, getting kids excited about bathing can be challenging. 

Making bathtime fun and entertaining can make them eager to get clean. Today, let’s explore various ways to make bathtime an enjoyable experience for your little ones. From adding colorful toys to bubbles to incorporating games, these tips will make bathtime the highlight of your child's day.

1. Add Fun Accessories 

Nothing can prepare young children more for a bath than a few fun bath accessories. Making bath time into playtime will transform taking a bath into an exciting experience they get to do, not one they have to do. 

Adding bubble bath, bath bombs, bath paint, or bath crayons are all kid-approved options to make baby bath time more exciting. These products are available in various colors and scents, which can keep your children entertained. 

Bath bombs, crayons, and paint are fun since they change the color of the water to their favorite color, almost like food coloring would — and what kid doesn't want to blow bubbles? And don’t forget shaving cream beards and other playful elements that turn your toddler bath time into a fun indoor activity.

Another way to make a kid’s bath time a lot of fun is by adding toys. Many options include rubber animals, boats, buckets, pool noodles, fish, and a net for a DIY nautical themed bath. Think about their favorite toy out of the bath and get something similar that's water-friendly. The toys will help keep them engaged and make getting them into the tub easier. 

Special washcloths or sponges in fun shapes or colors can also make bath time enjoyable. Children will be more interested in using these items to clean themselves. You can find washcloths or sponges in different shapes, animals, or cartoon characters. 

There are a variety of Spongellé bath sponges to choose from for your little ones. These sponges come in fun shapes and colors, and they’re infused with body wash to make bath time a little easier. Plus, thanks to our self-preserving formulation that prevents bacterial growth and resists contamination, our sponges are completely safe for your kiddos. 

2. Play Games 

If your child becomes bored quickly and wants to get out of the bath immediately, introducing games can make the experience more interesting and fun.

Classic games like I Spy or Find the Hidden Object are easily adapted for bath time. You can hide small bath toys or objects around the tub and ask your child to find them to play Find the Hidden Object. Similarly, you can play I Spy by describing an object in the bath and having your child guess what it is. These games encourage children to use observational skills and can help your kiddos develop their vocabulary. 

Simon Says or Follow the Leader are also fun and easy options. You can give your child simple commands such as "Simon says splash your feet" or "Follow the leader and pretend to be a whale." These games help children develop their motor skills and coordination while keeping them entertained. 

Singing songs or rhymes is another way to make bath time more fun. You can sing nursery rhymes or your child's favorite songs from a show. Encouraging them to sing along can help them develop their language skills. 

Water games take a little more effort but can be especially fun. Try a water balloon toss, or give them a squirt gun. Fill small balloons with water and have your child try to catch them. You could draw a target on the wall using the bath paint and have them aim their water gun at it. Go over the rules beforehand, such as no squirting or throwing water balloons out of the tub. 

3. Make Bath Time a Learning Experience 

Bath time can be an excellent opportunity to turn a mundane task into a fun and educational experience. Consider incorporating science, colors, shapes, letters, counting, and math into bath time. Learning from a young age can set them apart in school. 

One of the easiest ways to introduce science is by experimenting with water and various objects. Children can learn about buoyancy and density by seeing how different things float or sink. You can ask questions like, "Why do you think the rubber duck floats, but the washcloth sinks?" This type of hands-on learning helps children develop their critical thinking skills. 

Younger children may enjoy playing with foam letters and shapes. You can help identify the letters and colors or find a specific shape. You can also create games by asking them to find toys that match a specific color or shape. In addition, you can help them spell their name using foam letters or finger paint. 

You can practice counting and simple math problems using bath toys. Ask them how many toys are in the bath or how many bubbles they can blow. Create simple addition or subtraction problems using toys, such as, "one duck plus one fish equals two." 

There are endless ways you can turn bath time into an educational experience. These fun activities will help your child develop cognitive skills and create a positive association with learning that lasts a lifetime.

4. Create a Sensory Experience 

Bathing can be a fun and relaxing experience by adding sensory elements. Creating sensory play in the bath can help your children unwind and relieve stress. Here are some tips for creating a sensory experience. 


Use scented bath products or add essential oils to the bathwater. Adding these products to the bathwater can help children relax and calm down. Scents such as lavender, chamomile, and ylang-ylang can help promote relaxation and reduce stress. Be sure to choose safe products for children, and remember to dilute essential oils properly before adding them to the water.


Playing calming music or soothing sounds in the background can help children feel more relaxed. Soft instrumental music, nature sounds, or white noise can all be good options. Playing the same music or sounds every time your child takes a bath can create a sense of familiarity and comfort. It signals that it's time to unwind and get ready for bed. 


Changing the temperature or pressure of the water can create a unique sensory activity. Experiment with warmer or cooler water, or vary the water pressure by adjusting the showerhead or faucet. 

You can also add a few ice cubes to the bathwater to create a surprising change. The cold temperature can be refreshing, help wake up the senses, and is excellent for morning baths. However, you'll want to supervise your child closely to prevent them from accidentally swallowing and choking on the ice cubes.

5. Keep Bath Time Safe 

Enjoying bath time also means your children stay safe and sound. If you are bathing toddlers or children unable to lift themselves out of the water, you may want to follow some safety precautions. These tips will help prevent accidents and ensure a fun experience. 

Gather Supplies Ahead of Time

Make sure you have all the necessary supplies within arm's reach before you start bathtime. Think about everything you'll need from start to finish, towels, toys, bath products, and anything else that comes to mind. Preparing will ensure you don't have to leave your child unattended in the bath. 

Check the Temperature

Check the water temperature to ensure it's safe for your child. A good rule of thumb is to keep the water temperature between 90 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. You can test the water with a bath thermometer, wrist, or elbow. The water should feel warm but not hot.

Add Non-Skid Decals

Consider adding non-skid decals to the bottom of the tub because slips and falls can happen. You can find these mats at most baby stores and other retailers. They will help prevent your child from slipping and hitting their head. 

Remove Electronics

Electronics, such as phones or tablets, should be kept out of reach during bath time. These devices can be a distraction, but they can also pose a safety hazard if dropped in the water, as well as ruining the electronics. 

Remember, accidents can happen quickly and unexpectedly. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that bath time is a safe and enjoyable experience for your child.

It’s Bath Time!

Bathtime can be a fun experience for children with just a little creativity and effort. You can make bath time enjoyable by incorporating toys, games, songs, and colorful Spongellé bath products. Not only will these bathtime activities make the daily task easier, but they can also provide a bonding opportunity. 

Next time you're struggling to get your little ones to hop in the tub, try out some of these fun ideas and watch as bath time becomes a highlight of their day. 


The Benefits of Sensory Play For Your Child | Cleveland Clinic

The Benefits of Bath Time for Babies | US News and World Report

Bathing Your Baby | Nationwide Children’s
