Dry Skin in Summer: 10 Reasons & Remedies

Dry Skin in Summer: 10 Reasons & Remedies

Summertime means hotter weather and spending more time in the sun. This season can also mean you're at risk of developing dry skin, despite the humidity in the air. Hot or dry weather can cause your skin to lose its natural moisture. 

You may experience flakiness, itchiness, and discomfort from dry skin. There are various reasons you may lose hydration in your skin besides the air, such as sun exposure, air conditioning, and chlorine. However, you can heal your dry skin and prevent it from happening with proper care. 

Today, we’re diving deep into why you may have dry skin during the summer and offering effective remedies to keep your skin nourished and glowing throughout the season.

What Are the Causes of Dry Skin in Summer?

You can just as easily get dry skin in the summer as in the winter. However, the causes are different depending on the season. Here are some of the most common causes of dry skin in summer. 

1. Environmental Factors

The environments you're in during the summer can majorly contribute to dry skin. The hot and dry weather can cause the skin to dry out quickly, while sun damage can hurt your overall skin health. 

If you love a pool day during the summer, chlorine could be a culprit for dry skin. Chlorine can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause it to become drier and itchy. People with sensitive skin can also experience irritation from the harsh chemicals in the pool. 

Meanwhile, when you're inside, air conditioning can strip the skin of its natural oils and contribute to moisture loss. Air conditioners work by cooling the air and removing humidity.

2. Lifestyle Habits

Spending time in hotter environments means you should be drinking more water. When your body becomes dehydrated, it will affect your skin as well. 

Excessive sweating can also lead to dry skin. Sweat can remove natural oils and moisture from the skin if you naturally sweat or work out during the summer. 

Long, hot showers can also contribute to dry skin. Hot water can strip the moisture from your skin. You can also make the problem worse by using harsh soaps. 

3. Medical Conditions

Several medical conditions lead to dry, itchy skin year-round. You may notice the symptoms flare up even more during the summer months due to environmental factors and lifestyle habits. Additionally, certain medications have side effects that include dry skin.

What Are the Effects of Dry Skin in Summer?

Now that you know the causes of summertime dryness, it’s time to explore what dry skin feels like during the warmer months. Below are the symptoms you may have when you're experiencing dehydrated skin:

  • Itching and Discomfort: The sun and heat can further irritate the skin leading to discomfort. Drier skin can be particularly problematic for people with sensitive skin or certain skin conditions. 
  • Flaky and Rough Skin: Another symptom is flakiness. Sunburn can trigger flaking and peeling. It can also lead to rough and uneven skin. 
  • Increased Risk of Infections: When your skin is dry, it becomes more prone to cracks on the surface. These breaks in the skin can allow bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens to enter your body and lead to infections. When you scratch your itchy skin, you can introduce bacteria and other impurities into the skin. 
  • Premature Aging: These dry skin effects can also lead to premature aging. Over time the dryness can cause wrinkles and fine lines thanks to a loss in skin elasticity. Collagen can also be diminished by dryness, and your skin won't be as firm. Sun exposure during the summer may also lead to premature aging. 

What Are the Best Remedies for Dry Skin in Summer?

There are just as many remedies for dry skin as there are causes. You may be able to avoid dry skin altogether if you take care of your skin from the start of summer. Below are some ways to get rid of your dehydrated skin. 

1. Hydration 

Hydration is essential to keep your skin healthy. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is key to maintaining moisture levels. You also want to use a moisturizer that is appropriate for your skin type daily. 

Look for a lotion to help lock in moisture and prevent water loss. Spongellé’s body lotion is made with shea butter, jojoba oil, safflower seed oil, and vitamin E to keep your skin moisturized for 48 hours. This nourishing formula will quench your dry skin. 

2. Sun Protection

The UV index is highest in the summer, which can have damaging effects on your skin. Applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 will help you avoid dry skin. 

Remember to reapply every two hours to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. You can also cover up with protective clothing such as hats, long-sleeved shirts, and sunglasses to block the sun's rays. 

3. Avoiding Harsh Soaps and Hot Showers

Using harsh soaps can contribute to dry skin, especially during the dry, dry summer. Some soaps are made with chemicals or fragrances that can strip the skin of natural oils. Instead, use cleansers that are gentle on the skin. Spongellé's hand and body wash is made with a ton of beneficial ingredients. 

It contains glycerin which helps your skin retain moisture and relieves dryness. The amino acids deliver moisture for days, and the pro-vitamin B5 stabilizes the skin's natural barrier. The cleanser is also 100% paraben free. 

4. Medical Treatments

Just like breakouts and other skin care concerns, sometimes you can't heal your dry skin without help. There are medical treatments that may be what you need to fix the problem. 

A doctor or dermatologist can prescribe face wash, creams, and ointments containing ingredients such as lactic acid, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid to help soothe and moisturize dry skin. If you're struggling with dryness, consult a professional for appropriate treatments for your skin type.

What Are Popular Home Remedies for Dry Skin?

Home remedies like coconut oil, papaya, or even just drinking enough water can be an excellent additional step to help your skin heal. In addition to medications, sun protection, and moisturizing products, try incorporating one of these remedies to alleviate symptoms. 

1. Oatmeal baths

Oatmeal baths can be an effective and inexpensive way to soothe dry skin. Oats contain anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce redness. 

Making an oatmeal bath is easy. Add one to two cups of finely ground oatmeal to warm bathwater and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. After you get out of the bath, dry off and apply your body lotion to help lock in moisture.

2 Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer that can help soothe dry skin and sunburns. You can take the aloe vera plant and apply it directly to your skin. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off. If you don't have a plant, you can use an aloe vera product.

3. Honey

Honey is delicious to eat, and it's also a natural humectant that can help moisturize and soften dry skin. Honey's antioxidants and antibacterial properties can protect the skin from damage and infection. 

You can use honey as a moisturizer by applying a thin layer of raw honey to the dry areas of your skin. Leave the honey on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it with warm water. 

How Can You Prevent Dry Skin in Summer?

Taking preventive measures can help you avoid dry skin altogether. 

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle 

A healthy lifestyle will help you maintain balanced skin. Staying hydrated is crucial to keep enough fluids in your body to moisturize your skin. 

Meanwhile, eating fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can help keep your skin healthy. Incorporating exercise into your routine can also help your skin. When you work out, you increase blood flow, contributing to a healthy complexion. 

Follow a Consistent Skincare Routine

Following a skincare routine can help you prevent dry skin. During summer, use a gentle and hydrating cleanser to remove dirt and excess oil from the skin. A high-quality moisturizer with SPF can also help protect the skin. 

Exfoliating once or twice weekly removes dead skin cells and promotes cell turnover. Your skin will better absorb moisturizers and other skincare products. A Spongellé body buffer can help you gently buff away impurities on your skin. 

Final Takeaways 

Numerous remedies are also available to alleviate dry skin during the summer months. Staying hydrated, using a gentle cleanser, moisturizing, and protecting skin from the sun can help prevent and relieve dry skin. By being proactive, you can avoid discomfort and irritation of dry skin. Spongellé has moisturizing products to help keep your skin smooth and hydrated all summer!


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