Body Exfoliators: 5 Things to Keep Your Skin Fresh and Clean

Body Exfoliators: 5 Things to Keep Your Skin Fresh and Clean

At Spongellé, our goal is to turn your daily routine into a luscious and relaxing experience while caring for your biggest asset: your skin! There are a slew of different products out there on the market for getting the job done. 

While there's no shortage of exfoliators out there for your skin, it can be an overwhelming experience trying to figure out the best product or products for you. We want to take away the guesswork for you.

One of your first thoughts may be how and where to get started. Yes, there are indeed different exfoliants for different areas of your skin. This is simply because different areas of our skin are thinner or thicker and require gentler care, like our face and neck, or, like elbows and feet, places we may pull out the big boys to really get to that smooth polished, pedicure finish. 

In this post, we will break it down from head to toe on how to take care of your skin with one of the best habits out there, exfoliation. 

I kid you not. An exfoliation routine is life-changing for your skin!

#1. The Decolletage. Neck & Chest

Believe it or not, our necks take a beating day after day. We move our necks, head, and chin more than a thousand times a day, and if you use make-up on the regular, chances are you blend into your neck. 

It's essential to exfoliate your entire body, but we often skip over our necks and chest region. Exfoliating our neck and chest not only helps remove dead skin cells like the other areas of our skin, allowing all of our rich, firming, anti-aging product goodness seep in and actually work its magic, but it also helps keep the skin firm and improves the texture of your neck and chest while cutting through the daily sweat build-up that these areas are actually prone.

While certain types of exfoliants like granules and pomace are far too harsh for this area, a well balanced mechanical or exfoliant tool is going to be your best bet—an exfoliation tool like a Spongellé Boxed Flower is a great asset. Gentle and easy to maneuver through the curvy landscape of your chest. Our favorites are Beach Grass, which leave you smelling just like a sun-kissed day by the ocean, or sweet Bulgarian Rose, a soft, relaxing floral scent with hints of woodiness. You'll be relaxing in this scents divine and luscious bubbles before you know it.

What is great about the Spongelle boxed flowers is that they can actually be used from your neck all the way down to your toes! No extra product or tools needed.

#2. Hands

Our hands are some of our hardest workers, but besides a monthly mani, they are usually forgotten in the world of exfoliation. Seeing as our hands are our primary tools they put in a lot of hours even when they are off the clock. Whether we use a keyboard all day, make pastries for a living, or handle all the cooking and cleaning of the home, our hands are "handling" (I couldn't resist) the bulk of the workload. 

Sure we may stop from time to time to lotion up those dry hands, but how often are we actually removing the dry, dead skin cells that build up, even with regular washing? 

Do you know that exfoliating your hands is honestly the best way to keep them clean and fight off germs? Spongellé has created the perfect buffer that is not too harsh for regular hand washing and turns a daily (or hourly) chore into a revitalizing hand treatment with every wash. Hand buffers really get in there to cut dirt, remove product build-up, and dead skin cells so your hands will stay soft and clean no matter what you put them through. Slather them up with your favorite hand cream when you're done and you'll be ready to tackle the task of the day!

The bonus of a regular hand exfoliation regimen is that now your creamy hand lotions can really get in there and soften up those digits!

#3. The tough spots! Elbows/Knees/Ankles/Heels

Let's talk about the tough spots. Elbows, knees, and right on down to those pesky heels, we stand on all day. We put a lot of heavy lifting on these areas of our body, so it's time to put some lovin' back in! 

Our elbows, knees, and heels are covered with a tougher layer of skin. These areas are very much a different texture than the rest of our skin, and with good reason. This tougher, naturally thicker skin is there to protect our joints and our precious heels that we stand on all day. 

Over time these areas can have a rougher texture, even if the rest of our arms and legs are nice and smooth, and that's simply because these are points of pressure on our body that need extra protection. The skin can turn over there much quicker, leaving these areas rough and sometimes discolored.

However, texture and color are easy to improve with a simple exfoliation regimen. Your elbows, knees, and ankles won't need as much heavy exfoliation as some heels, and there are tons of options to get you buffed up and ready to take on the town.

If you are a lover of nature-inspired scents, you've got to try the Zodiac collection. Each glorious bouquet was created to pair perfectly with your astrological sign. For an earth sign, you won't be able to get enough of this glorious Lavender and Sea Salt scented buffer with a built-in body wash that serves up a relaxing, luxurious lather with every wash.

The heels can use a little extra TLC and a bit more exfoliation to get through and soften up those tough, cracked, unloved areas. That's why an exfoliator made for feet is going to be your best bet and do the best job. 

Mani-Pedi day couldn't be easier, and no appointment necessary!

#4. The Curvy Bits: Tummy/Buns/Thighs

Yes, let's talk about the middle man! I mean, your middle, man. Our tummies and buns take on the bulk of our life changes and everything that those problem areas hold. Somebody knock on wood because I'm kind of scared to say this word out loud, stretch marks! The ever-dreaded stretch marks are a reality for most of us. 

Buffing these stretchy 'moving and shaking' areas with an exfoliation tool on the regular is going to help stimulate blood flow and help regenerate collagen. Grab your body buffer and begin exfoliating your tummy, buns, and thighs regularly to wash away those old skin cells and bring on the new new. 

With a regular routine, you can help fade your stretch marks faster and tone your skin underneath. A bonus win, exfoliating helps with red patches and evening out the skin tone! 

Our favorite tool for really getting into those gorgeous curvy areas is a body wash infused contouring glove. Prefilled with scents that are to die for, these gloves make taking care of your huggable goods easy as pie!

#5. Legs for days! Legs/Calves

Let's talk about legs and showing them off! We've all experienced ingrown hairs. Even if you are a regular shaver, sometimes those little puppies get the wrong idea and just start growing all different directions, including straight down. Ouch! 

But did you know that exfoliating your legs and hard-working calves regularly will assist you in getting a smoother shave and softer legs? Exfoliating before shaving not only helps get those babies ready for the razor by lifting the hairs from the skin, but it also removes all those dead skin cells that could clog your pores as well as lifts the follicles that cause the hair to become ingrown. Ingrown hairs are not only painful, but they can also leave unsightly and itchy blemishes on the legs.

Keep these blemishes at bay by incorporating a weekly leg exfoliation routine. Exfoliate twice a week with a great multi-purpose body buffer, and then follow up with hydrating those babies with a Yuzu and Argan oil infused with vitamin E body lotion. This will moisturize and calm inflammation and redness. The delicious papaya scent is just a bonus!

Setting up a routine can be easy, rejuvenating, and relaxing!

Don't be overwhelmed when planning your exfoliation routine. Invest in a good multi-use buffer that can handle the sensitive with the good, bad, and the stretchy. Plan to exfoliate from head to toe at least twice a week to get that smooth, glowing skin you've always wanted. 

The cool thing about Spongellé is that once you find a scent you like, you can set up a monthly subscription. A subscription automatically marks two items off your shopping list - the buffer and the soap and sets you up to receive your next Spongelle just as the last one hits its expiry point. 

There has never been an easier way to start a routine that will give you the smooth, radiant skin you crave!

